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BOTOX® Lip Flip Treatment in Toronto

A full upper lip is a universal sign of youthful beauty and can lend more pleasing proportions to the face. Some individuals who have a thin upper lip might feel that their faces are not symmetrical or that their smile appears too “gummy.” Fortunately for patients in the Toronto area, Dr. Lawrence Tong can perform an increasingly popular non-surgical procedure called a Lip Flip to add the appearance of volume to the upper lip and increase its outward projection, creating a more youthful-looking pout in just a few minutes.

Benefits of a Lip Flip with BOTOX

A Lip Flip involves the strategic injection of BOTOX Cosmetic to temporarily relax the muscles around the lip, causing the upper lip to appear to “flip” or roll slightly upward. Dr. Tong’s patients enjoy a number of benefits from a Lip Flip, including:

  • An upper lip that appears naturally fuller
  • Reduction in the appearance of a gummy smile
  • Smoothing of fine lines on and around the upper lip
  • Rapid results
  • No downtime or recovery period
  • A more affordable alternative to lip enhancement with dermal fillers

The Lip Flip Procedure

The Lip Flip procedure is minimally invasive and takes only a few minutes. Prior to the procedure, Dr. Tong will cleanse the treatment area. A topical numbing cream may be used to enhance your comfort, but most patients feel it is unnecessary.

To perform the Lip Flip, Dr. Tong will strategically inject small amounts of BOTOX into several points at the Cupid’s bow and the upper corners of your mouth. This temporarily relaxes the muscles over the upper lip, smoothing vertical lines and causing the upper lip to roll slightly outward.

Recovery After Lip Flip

Following your Lip Flip procedure, you will immediately be able to resume your normal daily activities. We advise you not to exercise afterwards on the day of your treatment. Your upper lip may appear slightly swollen for the first couple of days, and this can easily be controlled with a cold compress. You should be able to notice the full effect of your Lip Flip within 10-14 days, which should last for several months.

Lip Flip vs Lip Augmentation with Fillers

For patients who are looking to add more volume to their entire smile, Dr. Tong also performs Lip Augmentation with dermal fillers (or fat transfer) at his Toronto practice. While a BOTOX Lip Flip focuses only on the upper lip by creating the appearance of more volume through exposing more of a patient’s natural lip tissue, dermal fillers augment the volume of lips using hyaluronic acid. The results of dermal filler Lip Augmentation typically last longer than a Lip Flip, but the procedure also costs a bit more. Likewise, fat transfer is similar to lip filler but the material is your own fat which has the potential of a much longer duration of effect.

The best way to determine whether a BOTOX Lip Flip or Lip Augmentation with fillers is the right procedure to yield your desired results is to discuss your goals during your consultation with Dr. Tong.

Your Lip Flip Consultation in Toronto

If you are interested in learning more about how you can achieve a more perky, pouty, and youthful smile with a BOTOX Lip Flip, please contact us to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Tong at his plastic surgery practice in Toronto.

Lip Flip at a Glance

What the procedure does
Causes the upper lip to turn upward and outward
Duration of the result
8-12 weeks
Length of time to perform the procedure
Roughly 10 minutes
Type of anesthetic most commonly used
None usually, topical anesthetic occasionally
Length of time off of work
Time to get back to exercise
Next day
Pitfalls your Plastic Surgeon should avoid
  • Too much Botox can make the lip move unnaturally

Dr. Lawrence Tong has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

Dr. Lawrence Tong