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Is Liposuction or Abdominoplasty More Appropriate for Me?
Many individuals who are interested in body sculpting around the midsection wonder if liposuction or abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery) would be a better option for achieving their aesthetic goals. Although these treatments can both be used to restore a flatter, more toned abdominal contour, liposuction and tummy tuck surgery are performed to address distinctive cosmetic concerns. Consequently, determining which would be more appropriate for each patient will be dependant upon the specific issue(s) he or she desires to improve.

For men and women whose concerns consist exclusively of stubborn pockets of fat in and/or around the stomach region, liposuction will generally be the most effective option as it’s aim is to remove diet and exercise-resistant fat cells from numerous areas of the body. For individuals whose aesthetic concerns include redundant skin, lax abdominal muscles, and/or noticeable stretch marks, abdominoplasty will usually be the best technique. This popular procedure is designed to remove excess skin, tighten muscles of the abdominal wall, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. As a result of the removal of excess abdominal skin, a significant amount of fat is typically removed as well. However, if additional fat removal is needed and/or desired in other areas of the trunk, liposuction can also be incorporated with the tummy tuck procedure.

Ultimately, liposuction and abdominoplasty can each be extremely beneficial for qualified patients, and the most appropriate treatment option (or combination of techniques) can be determined during a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who has ample experience with both body contouring methods.

Lawrence Tong, MD

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Dr. Lawrence Tong