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Sometimes called a double eyelid surgery or Asian double fold surgery, Asian blepharoplasty can often be a great option for many individuals of Asian descent who are interested in enhancing the appearance of their upper eyelids. This specialized form of upper lid blepharoplasty is performed to produce a crease (supratarsal fold) in the upper lid, effectively creating a “double fold” that can make the eye appear larger and more expressive. In addition, excess skin and fat can be removed during Asian blepharoplasty, helping to achieve a rejuvenated and improved overall appearance.

The Asian double fold procedure is usually performed under IV sedation, though some patients may only require a local anesthetic, depending on the extent of their needs and/or desires. During treatment, an incision is made at a specific height above the eyelashes, and then dissected down to the muscle responsible for opening the lid. When appropriate, excess skin and fat tissues in the area can be removed at this time. Fine stitches are then used to attach the skin and muscle layer at the desired fold level, ultimately creating the anatomy commonly associated with Caucasian upper eyelids (and Asian eyelids that naturally have double folds). A simplified alternate method of Asian blepharoplasty that does not require any incisions can also be performed (the suture technique). This non-incisional method is limited to creating the fold, without the option of skin or fat removal.

Following the double eyelid procedure, most patients are able to return home under the care and supervision of a close friend or family member. Some initial swelling and bruising is normal, and these symptoms should dissipate over the course of about five to seven days. Any potential discomfort is often described as mild and can generally be managed with pain medication. After approximately a week to ten days, the majority of individuals are able to resume normal, non-strenuous work and daily routines, but rigorous exercise and physical activities should be avoided for at least four to six weeks to ensure proper healing. In general, the non-incisional method has a slightly faster recovery time compared to the regular method.

It is important to understand that the height of the newly-created folds will likely appear slightly higher than expected at first, though this should resolve as swelling subsides. Once this occurs, the end result should be an enhanced, natural-looking eyelid aesthetic.

Dr. Lawrence Tong, Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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For more information about Asian blepharoplasty, we encourage you to check out our page here. If you have any additional questions, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tong, please contact our office today.

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Dr. Lawrence Tong