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Our practice now offers a new and exciting imaging technology for Breast Augmentation and Rhinoplasty called VECTRA® 3D Imaging. It can also be used for imaging Chin Augmentation, and Body Contouring. This technology combines a three-dimensional image capture system with surgery modeling software that allows for generation and manipulation of a digital version of your face, chest, or body. This service is part of the consultation process at no extra charge to you. During your cosmetic surgery consultation, VECTRA® 3D imaging can help you visualize potential results as if you actually underwent the procedure (I emphasize the word “potential” because VECTRA® is a computer simulation; however, the simulation is fairly accurate). Additionally, the simulation can be given to you as a hard copy, allowing comparison of different surgical options after you have gone home. I believe that this is a great improvement from the past; as opposed to trying to recall what was discussed or described in the consultation, a potential outcome is given in a form you can look at and study.

From my perspective as a plastic surgeon, VECTRA® 3D imaging has also helped me improve my pre-procedure planning and analysis as well. For example, with Rhinoplasty cases, the VECTRA® 3D provides me with a ‘virtual patient’ on which I can simulate surgical adjustments and see what works best aesthetically. Additionally, the software gives details of all the changes and their precise measurements; this provides me with a roadmap of sorts when I actually perform the surgery. This helps me plan the maneuvers that I want to perform, as well as achieve the best results possible. For Breast Augmentation, the software analyses the chest, and calculates breast volume differences, chest wall shape differences, and other breast asymmetries. The software database contains all available breast implants styles, and allows me to see how different implant shapes and sizes could look on a patient without actually performing the surgery. Furthermore, this enables me to show a patient far more implant combinations in a quicker time than it would take for them to try on several different sizers.

Ultimately, I think VECTRA® 3D adds great value to the entire cosmetic surgery experience. It allows patients to be more involved with the decision making process, and it allows them to have more input on the various aspects of surgery – including implants and/or surgical maneuvers that are possible for their specific procedure. I believe these aspects combine for a more enhanced consultation experience because patients are able to make more informed decisions about the procedure, typically resulting in better outcomes and greater satisfaction.

Dr. Lawrence Tong

Contact Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery

To learn more about VECTRA® 3D imaging, or to schedule a consultation, please contact Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery today.

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Dr. Lawrence Tong