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How VECTRA® 3D Imaging Enhances Consultations

Our practice now offers a new and exciting imaging technology for Breast Augmentation and Rhinoplasty called VECTRA® 3D Imaging. It can also be used for imaging Chin Augmentation, and Body Contouring. This technology combines a three-dimensional image capture system with surgery modeling software that allows for generation and manipulation of a digital version of your face, chest, or body. This service is part of the consultation process at no extra charge to you. During your cosmetic surgery consultation, VECTRA® 3D imaging can help you visualize potential results as if you actually underwent the procedure (I emphasize the word “potential” because VECTRA® is a computer simulation; however, the simulation is fairly accurate). Additionally, the simulation can be given to you as a hard copy, allowing comparison of different surgical options after you have gone home. I believe that this is a great improvement from the past; as opposed to trying to recall what was discussed or described in the consultation, a potential outcome is given in a form you can look at and study. From my perspective as a plastic surgeon, VECTRA® 3D imaging has also helped me improve my pre-procedure planning and analysis as well. For example, with Rhinoplasty cases, the VECTRA® 3D provides me with a ‘virtual patient’ on which I can simulate surgical adjustments and see what works best aesthetically. Additionally, the software gives details of all the […]

Keys to a Smoother Breast Augmentation Recovery

Recovery from a breast augmentation doesn’t have to be as difficult as it’s often portrayed to be. In fact, there are a number of techniques that plastic surgeons can utilize to ease recovery, as well as advice patients can heed in order to expedite the process themselves. Below is a Q&A session we conducted with our double-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lawrence Tong, to highlight the keys to a smoother recovery following breast augmentation surgery. Question: Most importantly, what do patients need to know about recovery from breast augmentation? Dr. Tong: Most patients are actually surprised about the ease of recovery. Many have read about the experiences of others on the Internet and expect something much worse. In general, patients only require the narcotic-based pain medications for a few days before tapering them significantly or stopping them altogether and opting for something without narcotics. Patients are usually back to work within five to seven days, but are not allowed to exercise until one month after surgery. Tightness of the chest is a common complaint. This occurs because the muscle and skin is stretched by the implant, giving the sensation of chest tightness. The good news is, this feeling generally fades within the first few days. Sleeping with the head and chest slightly elevated will decrease chest swelling much more rapidly while helping the breast implants to settle faster. Q: What techniques […]

SPF – Its Importance

Sunscreen – Its Importance I would like to start by introducing myself, my name is Annamaria, the medical Esthetician for Dr.Tong here at the Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery and I will be writing from time to time regarding our lovely skin care products as well as the many treatments that we offer. Our clinic stands out from the rest because it is not only a full medical clinic that customizes and tailors each treatment for each individual skin condition or concern but we incorporate a variety of treatments in one session. We love to pamper and indulge our clients with luxurious serums that treat conditions such as Rosacea or acne but are also highly effective as anti-aging creams. For my first blog and probably the most important one, I will be discussing the importance of SPF. I have come across many clients that choose not to use/wear sunscreen and repeatedly I cannot help but to stress the fact that it is detrimental to your skins health. We tend to forget how crucial SPF can be in our regular daily skin care routine. It is also very important to realize that we need sun protection both in winter and summer months. Surprisingly the sun’s rays bounce off the snow and reflect onto our skin, causing damage just at a slower rate. In my opinion, sunscreen is the #1 anti-aging product […]

Toronto Plastic Surgeon on the Benefits of Mommy Makeover Procedures

Dr. Lawrence Tong provides individualized mommy makeover procedures at his Toronto plastic surgery practice and lets prospective patients know what they can expect for results and recovery. Toronto, Ontario – Dr. Lawrence Tong, a Toronto plastic surgeon, knows that while motherhood brings joyful changes into a woman’s life, the progression of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and child care often cause significant changes to her physical appearance. He notes that the post-pregnancy modification of exercise routines, eating habits, and lifestyle can result not only in physiological changes, but also can negatively affect self-esteem and confidence levels. For this reason, Dr. Tong says he offers his patients at Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery mommy makeover procedures in order to address their post-pregnancy concerns. According to Dr. Tong, about 20% of his plastic surgery patients receive mommy makeover procedures. The ideal mommy makeover candidate is a woman who is in good general health, not significantly over or underweight, and near her desired post-pregnancy weight. Additionally, he says the patient should also have completed breast feeding and be at least three to six months post-delivery if she is considering tummy enhancement. A mommy makeover typically consists of a combination of procedures that are individually customized to address each patient’s unique concerns. Common mommy makeover procedures can include: Breast augmentation Breast lift Tummy tuck Liposuction Each consultation is personally conducted by Dr. Tong, and a recommendation is […]

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Dr. Lawrence Tong