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What Are My Incision Options for Breast Lift with Implants?

When performing a breast lift with augmentation, breast implants can typically be placed without the need for additional incisions, so the type of incision utilized will be dictated by the particular mastopexy method being employed. At my practice, the three different breast lift techniques I offer are periareolar mastopexy, short scar mastopexy, and traditional mastopexy. For periareolar mastopexy, the incision will be made around the areola at the border between lighter and darker skin. Similarly, the incision used for short scar mastopexy also encircles the areola, with the addition of a vertical incision extending from the bottom of the areola down to the breast fold. For a traditional mastopexy, the incision will be the same as the short scar technique, though the scar will also continue along the breast fold (inframammary crease). Due to the strategic placement of the mastopexy incisions, the scars are generally well hidden and quite acceptable when fully healed. The visibility of scars also depends to a significant extent on how an individual tends to heal. The specific breast lift technique performed depends on the degree of drooping present in the breasts. Generally speaking, the more drooping present, the more likely the need for the longer incisions. It is important to note that all mastopexy procedures are designed so that low-cut clothing and virtually all swimwear can effectively conceal any potential scars. The most appropriate technique […]

Am I a Candidate for Breast Lift with Breast Augmentation?

As I highlighted in my previous blog post, combining a breast augmentation with breast lift surgery can provide several benefits for qualified patients. So what makes a patient qualified? You may be a good candidate for breast lift with implants if one or more of following apply: You desire to have your breasts lifted while also increasing their size. You are interested in a breast lift, but you desire more overall fullness than can be achieved with mastopexy (breast lift) alone. You are interested in breast augmentation, but implants alone cannot correct the amount of breast drooping (ptosis) present. You have lost both volume and projection of the breasts as the result of significant weight loss, pregnancy, breast feeding, or other circumstances. You have a developmental breast condition called tuberous breasts or “constricted breasts”. In addition to fitting at least one of the criteria above, you should be in good general health, which includes quitting smoking for at least two weeks before the surgery. If you are a new mother, you will need to wait three months after you have finished breast feeding so true breast size can be accurately determined. Lastly, you must have realistic expectations for what can be achieved with the procedure. – Dr. Lawrence Tong, Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Contact Our Practice To learn more about breast augmentation with mastopexy, or to find out if […]

Benefits of a Breast Lift Combined with Augmentation

Over time, breasts can begin to droop and lose volume as a result of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or simply the effects of gravity. Depending on the degree of ptosis (drooping) and/or volume loss present, patients seeking to restore a more youthful breast projection and contour may be candidates for either a breast lift, a breast augmentation, or a combination of both. Though a breast lift can typically achieve improved fullness in the upper pole of the breast, the procedure will not allow for notable overall volume enhancement. In fact, breast lift surgery performed alone will not increase cup size. Similarly, breast implants can often provide a slight lift, but a breast augmentation by itself is not generally able to correct moderate to significant ptosis. When a breast lift and breast augmentation are combined, however, some key benefits can include greater volume and fullness in the breasts, a more rounded breast shape, a repositioned nipple-areolar complex, and a reduction in the size of the areola. Ultimately, each of these three breast enhancement options can be beneficial for qualified candidates, and the most appropriate procedure will depend on your specific needs and cosmetic goals. – Lawrence Tong, MD Contact Our Office For more information about breast lift combined with breast augmentation, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tong, please contact us today.

Plastic Surgeon in Toronto Reveals Three Rejuvenative Methods for Lip Enhancement

Dr. Lawrence Tong of Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery highlights lifting, reduction, and augmentation techniques for individuals interested in enhancing the appearance of their lips. Toronto, ON — “A youthful lip length allows approximately two to three millimeters of the upper teeth to be visible when the mouth is relaxed and slightly open,” states Toronto plastic surgeon Lawrence Tong, MD. “With aging,” he continues, “facial features such as the upper lip and corners of the mouth tend to sag, lengthening the lip and often producing a turned-down, sad appearance for the individual.” For patients experiencing this concern – as well as other issues involving the appearance of the lips – Dr. Tong offers multiple lip enhancement options at Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery. These rejuvenative methods include: Lip lifting Lip reduction Lip augmentation “A lip lift is a popular procedure for rejuvenation of the mouth due to aging or facial disproportion,” writes Dr. Tong in a recent blog post. He goes on to note that there are two different approaches to lip lifting: a central lip lift and corner lip lift. Based on the patient’s specific needs, he explains that a central lip lift can be performed to decrease the length of the upper lip, and a corner lip lift can be conducted to elevate the corners of the mouth until they reach a neutral position or slightly upward orientation […]

What Are My Lip Enhancement Options?

Whether you feel your lips are too full, too thin, or too droopy, lip enhancement can often be an excellent cosmetic option for rejuvenating the appearance around the mouth. Below, I’ve highlighted three effective lip enhancement techniques that can achieve excellent outcomes for qualified patients. Lip Lift A lip lift is a popular procedure for rejuvenation of the mouth due to aging or facial disproportion. Depending on your unique needs, there are two methods that can be employed: the central lip lift and the corner lip lift. Normally, 2-3 mm of the edge of the teeth should be visible when looking at the upper lip, with the mouth relaxed and slightly open. If you look at any fashion magazine where a model has her mouth open this way, there is at least this much “tooth show” and sometimes more. The central lip lift is designed to decrease the length of the upper lip (the distance between the nose and the edge of the upper lip), which tends to stretch with age. This surgery can make a dramatic improvement in the appearance of youthfulness to one’s face. This technique can also slightly increase the fullness of the upper lip by everting the lip, thus showing more of the red portion of the lip. As its name suggests, the corner lip lift involves elevating the corners of the mouth until they are […]

What Can Lip Enhancement Do for Me?

The perioral region is often neglected in facial rejuvenation, yet the minor enhancements of this area can make a significant impact on one’s overall facial appearance. Some of the most common issues that may be addressed with respect to lip enhancement include: A long upper lip Lip asymmetries and/or undesirably-shaped lips Downward sagging at the corners of the lips Thin or undefined lips Overly large lips Wrinkles on the lips At Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery, I offer a number of different lip enhancement options to treat the various concerns listed above. These lip enhancement techniques include central lip lifting, corner lip lifting, lip reduction, and lip augmentation via fat transfer or dermal fillers, each of which can be performed either alone or in combination with other procedures to help achieve a more youthful look for qualified candidates. To learn more about these effective treatment methods, stay tuned for my upcoming blog post in which I will provide further detail about each approach. – Dr. Lawrence Tong, Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Contact Our Office If you have any questions about lip enhancement, or if you are interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Tong, please contact us today.

What Are the Benefits of Chin Augmentation?

An issue I sometimes hear from patients is that they feel their chin looks “too small” and/or “weak.” For individuals experiencing this concern, I often recommend chin augmentation as a procedure that can add volume while also enhancing facial harmony. Key benefits of chin augmentation can include: An increase in the chin’s projection An increase in the width of the chin An increase in the vertical height of the chin A decrease or elimination of chin dimpling Concealment of jowls An overall improvement of facial proportions The two chin augmentation options offered at my practice are dermal fillers and chin implants. Enhancing the chin with dermal fillers can often be a great option for patients who desire a mild to moderate degree of augmentation. No surgery is required using this method, and results often last about six to nine months. For individuals seeking a more permanent solution, chin implants may be a better choice. Though this technique involves surgery, the procedure is relatively small and results can have a significant, long-term impact on the person’s appearance. Regardless of the technique employed, chin augmentation can be easily combined with other procedures – including facelift, neck lift, mini-neck lift, and neck liposuction – for an improved overall outcome. – Lawrence Tong, MD Contact Our Office For more information about the benefits of chin augmentation, or if you would like to schedule a […]

What Are My Chin Augmentation Options?

Patients who come to my practice interested in chin augmentation have two viable options: dermal fillers and chin implants. For those who are interested in mild to moderate degrees of enhancement, dermal fillers may be the preferable method, especially if the individual is unsure about – or does not have the time to commit to – undergoing a surgical procedure. Depending on the particular injectable, as well as how much filler is needed to achieve the desired results, chin augmentation with dermal fillers lasts an average of about six to nine months. If a patient would like a more permanent correction and/or larger degree of enhancement, a chin implant may be the best solution. Fillers can only augment to a certain extent before they reach the physical limit of their properties. Chin implants, however, come in a variety of diverse dimensions to help achieve a more dramatic augmentation, a subtle enhancement, or anything in between. Placing chin implants does require surgery, but the procedure is relatively small compared to other cosmetic operations. The typical surgery takes approximately 45 minutes. The ‘ideal chin size’ can be determined by examining a patient’s facial proportions. Cultural influences and a patient’s own aesthetic preferences also play a significant role. Male patients generally prefer a stronger, more squared chin, while females usually opt for a slightly softer look. There is a strong affinity for Asian […]

How Can I Improve the Appearance of My Neck?

Individuals interested in improving the appearance of their neck region have a number of options available to them. At Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery, I offer the following three treatments for neck rejuvenation, each of which can achieve excellent results depending on the patient’s specific needs and/or goals. BOTOX® Injections BOTOX® injections can be used as a non-surgical method for softening the appearance of platysmal bands (the vertical cords along the neck that are oftentimes seen on older patients). The main advantage of BOTOX® injections is that they are quick to perform, they have no downtime, and they are less expensive than surgery. However, disadvantages are that the results are temporary, and BOTOX® injections may not be able to achieve as good of an outcome as surgical correction of the platysmal bands. Chin and Neck Liposuction Liposuction of the chin and neck can be used to remove fatty tissues from the “double chin” and neck region, refine the depth and angle at the transition from the chin to the neck, and enhance the definition between the neck and jawline. Liposuction of the chin/neck region can be performed as a single modality or in conjunction with a mini, traditional, or extended neck lift. Neck Lift Surgery Traditional neck lift surgery rejuvenates the neck by lifting sagging skin, tightening loose muscles (i.e. neck bands), and removing fat. Variations to this procedure include […]

Am I a Candidate for Mini, Traditional, or Extended Neck Lift?

At Yorkville Institute of Plastic Surgery, I employ three different techniques for neck lift surgery: mini neck lift, traditional neck lift, and extended neck lift. Determining the most appropriate approach for patients seeking surgical rejuvenation of the neck region depends on the individual’s anatomy and the extent to which he or she seeks correction. Mini Neck Lift and Traditional Neck Lift A patient with neck fat and platysmal bands (vertical cords on the neck), but no skin laxity would likely benefit from a mini neck lift. The surgery consists of liposuction of the neck and surgical correction of the platysmal bands. However, if the same patient also has skin laxity present, a traditional neck lift would be recommended. This technique is essentially a mini neck lift with the addition of skin tightening through redraping and removal of excess skin. (To be clear, a patient with skin laxity can still receive a mini neck lift but would run the risk of having some “sagging” skin afterwards.) Extended Neck Lift A patient may be considered a good candidate for an extended neck lift if they need the benefits of a traditional neck lift, plus they also need improvement to the jawline and lower face (i.e. jowls and marionette lines). Should this be the case, the rejuvenation of both the neck and jowl region is accomplished by extending the area of surgery to include […]

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Dr. Lawrence Tong